


In this strikingtragedy of political conflict, Shakespeare turns to the ancientRoman world and to the famous assassination of Julius Caesar by hisrepublican opponents. The play is one of tumultuous rivalry, ofprophetic warnings- Beware the ides of March - and of moving publicoratory, Friends, Romans, countrymen Ironies abound and most of allfor Brutus, whose fate it is to learn that his idealistic motivesfor joining the conspiracy against a would-be dictator are notenough to sustain the movement once Caesar is dead. Each EditionIncludes: - Comprehensive explanatory notes - Vivid introductionsand the most up-to-date scholarship - Clear, modernized spellingand punctuation, enabling contemporary readers to understand theElizabethan English - Completely updated, detailed bibliographiesand performance histories - An interpretive essay on filmadaptations of the play, along with an extensivefilmography

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