《解剖学一览 Anatomy at a Glance》-mobi,awz3,epub,txt,pdf,kindle电子书免费下载

《解剖学一览 Anatomy at a Glance》-mobi,awz3,epub,txt,pdf,kindle电子书免费下载


 Anatomy at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid to fundamental anatomy for medical and allied health students and sports science students。 Following the easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with key facts accompanied by clear diagrams and illustrations encapsulating all that students need to know。
  This new edition of Anatomy at a Glance:Explains the terminology of de*ive anatomy。
Contains new chapters on foetal development of :
  -the thorax
  -blood circulation
  -the abdomen
  -the head and neck

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