


这本《101 Classic ShortStories:经典短篇小说101篇》按全英文版出版,西方流行口袋本。共收集了欧·亨利、杰克·伦敦、霍桑、契诃夫等数十位西方著名短篇小说家的代表作与经典名篇,全书共101篇。 This outstanding collection features 101 short storiesby great writers from America, the United Kingdom, Russian, andother countries. Ranging from the 19th to the 20th centuries,writers include O. Henry, Jack London, Nathaniel Hawthorne, MarkTwain, Edgar Allen Poe, Anton Chekhov, James Joyce , AmbroseBierce, Franz Kafka, and other major writers of world literature.Such a wonderfully wide-ranging and enjoyable anthology! Invest just a few minutes in a great short story and you maybe rewarded with a lesson or memory that lasts a lifetime. And it’snot just the short stories; the authors can also surprise you. Wehope that you will return to this collection again and again; tore-read these classic favorites and train your literature mind.


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