《Italian Literature_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Sort Introductions) – Hainsworth, Peter & Ro》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载

《Italian Literature_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Sort Introductions) – Hainsworth, Peter & Ro》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载


Introduces Italian literature from the Middle Ages to the present day

Discusses themes and issues that have recurred throughout history and which are still important today

Covers a wide range of writers and works, including some of the greatest - Dante, Petrarch, Manzoni, Calvino - as well as others who are less well-known

Considers the way in which Italian literature has changed over the last thirty years, including the influence of women's writing in Italian

Does not assume any previous knowledge of Italian literature and is written in a clear and approachable style

In this Very Short Introduction, Peter Hainsworth and David Robey consider Italian literature from the Middle Ages to the present day, looking at themes and issues which have recurred throughout its history and continue to be of importance today.

Examining themes such as regional identities, political disunity, and the role of the national language, they also cover a wide range of authors and works, including Dante, Petrarch, Manzoni, Montale, and Calvino. They explore some of the distinctive traditions of the literature, such as its liking for theorizing its own position, its concern with politics, and its secular orientation in spite of the Catholic beliefs and practices of the Italian people. Concluding by looking at the ways in which Italian literature has changed over the last thirty years, they examine the influence of women's writing in Italian, and acknowledge the belated recognition of its importance.

Readership: General readers interested in Italian literature, undergraduate students of Italian literature and culture, and graduate students and university lecturers of Italian literature.


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