《Medical Ethics_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) – Hope, Tony》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载

《Medical Ethics_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) – Hope, Tony》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载


Issues in medical ethics are rarely out of the media and it is an area of ethics that has particular interest for the general public as well as the medical practitioner. This short and accessible introduction provides an invaluable tool with which to think about the ethical values that lie at the heart of medicine. Tony Hope deals with the thorny moral questions such as euthanasia and the morality of killing, and also explores political questions such as: how should health care resources be distributed fairly? Each chapter in this book considers a different issue: genetics, modern reproductive technologies, resource allocation, mental health, medical research, and discusses controversial questions such as: * Who should have access to reproductive technology? Who should pay? * Is it right to fund expensive drug treatment for individuals? * Should active euthanasia be legalized? * Should treatment for mental illness be imposed on patients without their consent? * Who should have access to information from genetic testing? * Should we require consent for the use of dead bodies or organs in medical research?


Tony Hope 牛津大学医学伦理学教授,精神科名誉顾问医师,牛津大学医疗伦理和沟通中心的创立者。与人合著有《牛津临床医学手册》和《掌控你的心灵》。

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