《Indian Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) – Hamilton, Sue》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载

《Indian Philosophy_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) – Hamilton, Sue》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载


India has a long, rich, and diverse tradition of philosophical thought, spanning some two and a half millennia and encompassing several major religious traditions. This very short introduction emphasizes the diversity of Indian thought, and is structured around six schools which have achieved classic status. Sue Hamilton explores how the traditions have attempted to understand the nature of reality in terms of an inner or spiritual quest, and introduces distinctively Indian concepts such as karma and rebirth. She also shows how Indian thinkers have understood issues of reality and knowledge - issues which are also an important part of the Western philosophical tradition.


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