《Autism_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) – Frith, Uta》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载

文墨君 2021年12月29日210
《Autism_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) – Frith, Uta》-azw3,mobi,epub,pdf,txt,kindle电子书免费下载


What causes autism? Is it a genetic disorder, or due to some unknown environmental hazard? Are we facing an autism epidemic? What are the main symptoms, and how does it relate to Asperger syndrome? Everyone has heard of autism, but the disorder itself is little understood. It has captured the public imagination through films and novels portraying individuals with baffling combinations of disability and extraordinary talent, and yet the reality is more often that it places a heavy burden on sufferers and their families. This Very Short Introduction offers a clear statement on what is currently known about autism and Asperger syndrome. Explaining the vast array of different conditions that hide behind these two labels, and looking at symptoms from the full spectrum of autistic disorders, it explores the possible causes for the apparent rise in autism and also evaluates the links with neuroscience, psychology, brain development, genetics, and environmental causes including MMR and Thimerosal. This short, authoritative, and accessible book also explores the psychology behind social impairment and savantism, and throughout, sheds light on what it is like to live inside the mind of the sufferer.


乌塔•弗里思 伦敦大学学院认知神经科学学院认知发展荣誉退休教授,以对自闭症谱系障碍的研究为学界所知。已出版著作多部,发表论文多篇,著作包括《自闭症:揭开谜团》、《自闭症:心灵与大脑》、《自闭症与阿斯伯格综合征》、《会学习的大脑:教育的经验教训》(与萨拉-杰恩•布莱克莫尔合著)、《历史上的自闭症:博尔格的休•布莱尔的例子》(与拉布•休斯敦合著)等。

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